Pinnacle Group invests in ESG and launches strategy

Pinnacle Group bolsters its investment in ESG. This forms part of our ambitious growth strategy and builds upon decades of the company delivering added value for clients, customers and communities.

We have appointed a Pinnacle ESG Lead, as the Group integrates ESG across its services portfolio, which includes housing and facilities management services, as well as businesses Pinnacle Power and Grain

The ESG Lead at Pinnacle will drive the delivery of the ESG Framework launched today. This sets out our approach to Environment, Social and Governance. The ESG framework we have developed is structured around four pillars:

To bring rigour to the measurement and reporting of ESG we are aligning to the TOMS framework and progress will be reviewed regularly by a ESG steering group, as well as the Executive team conducting an in-depth business wide review each quarter.

“Our vision to be ESG leaders is an important part of our company strategy and we are incredibly proud to be launching our ESG Framework today. Our investment in an ESG team and developing our company-wide commitments naturally evolve what we have been delivering as a company for decades. It is the next logical step for us.

We value the impact we can have and setting out our approach within an ESG Framework gives our 3,000 strong team clear direction on how as a company we are working towards our purpose of transforming communities, changing lives. It helps us build a business for the future and crucially benefits society and we are honoured to be able to make a difference.”

Perry Lloyd
Group Chief Executive

For more information on our commitment to ESG visit here and read our Framework: 

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