Friday 21st June

A number of colleagues working on Pinnacle’s Service Families contract have been recognised with a commendation from the Vice Chief of Defence Staff, General Dame Sharon Nesmith.

Conferred twice a year alongside the state honours, commendations are awarded to individuals and teams who have performed exemplary service to the Ministry of Defence.

Ben Leahy, Jolanta Mokrzycka, Ed Rigby, Barry Reynolds, Jas Patel, James Jamieson and Francesca Obertelli were awarded the honour for their work on the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP), alongside colleagues from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation.

Pinnacle has supported the Ministry of Defence in mobilising the programme, with colleagues ensuring Afghan citizens – who supported the UK Government in Afghanistan – are safely moved into surplus military accommodation.

“We’re incredibly proud of our team, who have worked so hard on this programme and have truly earned this commendation. Individuals have gone far beyond the call of duty to support these families as they settle into life in the UK. Alongside those mentioned in the citation, recognition is extended to our Afghan Liaison Officers as well as our wider Strategic Estate Management, regional teams and sub-contractor, Pickfords.”
Claire Kober
Managing Director, Homes at Pinnacle Group

Team members are now set to attend a presentation at MOD main building, where they will be thanked in person by General Dame Sharon Nesmith.

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