Thursday 15th October
It has been announced that Pinnacle Group has been appointed to Tier 1 and Tier 2 of the Department for Work and Pension’s (DWP) Commercial Agreement for the provision of Employment and Health Related Services (CAEHRS) across North East England, Southern England, Central England, London and the Home Counties and Wales.
The CAEHRS programme will run for five years, with a budget of £7.5bn, and will be used to facilitate the provision of employment and health services on behalf of the Government and other contracting bodies.
Pinnacle is acting as the lead organisation for an innovative partnership called PORTRUS between Pinnacle and PeoplePlus Enterprises Pty Ltd trading as PeoplePlus Australia. The collaboration brings together vast expertise to deliver market leading employability services aimed at helping people find and stay in work. Combining Pinnacle’s successful and established delivery model with the Australian partner’s innovation and knowledge from an overseas market enables this partnership to offer new ways to combat employment and health challenges in a complex environment.
Pinnacle has been a trusted partner to the DWP since 2008 and is a current Prime provider of DWP’s New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) and has helped more than 40,000 customers to find sustained work through the delivery of a range of community-led solution since its inception.
PeoplePlus Australia helps people move into work by enabling them to gain the skills they need to make them employable. They provide employment and training services to thousands of people each year in over 150 locations across Australia and are appointed to all the Australian’s Government three major program contracts.

If you would like to be considered to work with the partnership, please get in touch at: [email protected]