Thursday 20th December

Following a competitive process, Wandle has awarded Pinnacle a contract to deliver soft facilities management to over 9,000 homes across nine southern London Boroughs.
From late November 2018, Pinnacle has been delivering ground maintenance and arboricultural services across south London.
“We are delighted to have won this contract and we look forward to working with Wandle and its residents. We pride ourselves on providing excellent services to our customers by putting residents at the heart of what we do. During the course of this contract we have committed to a number of social value initiatives as work experience places and employment opportunities.”
Neil Fergus, Pinnacle’s Director of Facilities Management
Lorraine Joseph, Estate Services Manager said: “Looking after our grounds is import to us ensuring that our residents can enjoy the communities that they live in, so were thrilled to be working with Pinnacle in making our grounds maintenance service fantastic for our residents.”
The contract is for an initial five-year period, with a possible years extension.