Monday 6th April
Pinnacle Group delivers services in West Kensington and Gibbs Green. Four years ago, we saw an opportunity to add real value to the vulnerable members of the community by providing a Community Champions programme.

The initiative is led by Sara Benjamin, Community Champion Project Manager, delivering vital services to those in need – making a real difference to people’s health and wellbeing in the area. These services include a foodbank, yoga sessions, fun days, trips, clubs and training in mental health and first aid.
The Community Champions know that people need their services now more than ever during the Coronavirus pandemic. They have gone out of their way to post a leaflet through the door of all residents on the West Kensington estate, asking for anyone who needs help or support to get in touch.
They are also continuing to run their weekly foodbank, which many people rely on for vital food supplies. Donations are still coming through every Monday from the well-established food charity City Harvest London and once it arrives the team opens the doors at Gibbs Green Tenant Hall for anyone in need. Unlike some food banks, visitors do not require a referral to receive assistance and can simply turn up on the day.
Dependent upon the food donated, the team distribute groceries, with people taking a full carrier bags worth away with them and sometimes even more.
To safeguard the public during these challenging times the team has added extra precautionary measures for food collections, including restricting the number of people inside at any one time, as well as social distancing and the use of hand sanitisers upon entry.
Over recent weeks the use of the foodbank has increased and due to the nationwide lockdown measures the team is making sure that everyone who needs it can still access the service by additionally providing home deliveries.