Case Study

Pinnacle has been instrumental in the design, build, financing, and operational delivery of the Kirklees Excellent Homes for Life extra care housing project.
We led the bid consortium procured by Kirklees Council in 2011. This project has helped create a local a balanced housing market, able to meet the needs and aspirations of older people within the community with a range of social care and health needs. The Later Living element of the project promotes independent living within the Extra Care schemes where people retain their ‘own front door’, but also enjoy extensive communal facilities, and can enjoy independent, active, and safe lives together.
Under our leadership the project has delivered 466 new homes including the new build of 140 specialist Extra Care homes for older people across 3 state-of-the -art Extra Care schemes as well as 291 one and two-bedroom homes for smaller ‘downsizing’ households, and 35 homes specifically designed for wheelchair users. The new homes were built on 27 sites across West Yorkshire and delivered across a 27-month construction programme.
In accordance with our community stewardship principles, since its inception we have continued to provide comprehensive housing management, repairs, and maintenance services across this portfolio.